Planetarium friend of women: International day of women and girls in science

It is an international initiative by the United Nations to promote gender equality and scientific careers for women. This initiative has been proposed several times, with research institutions, universities and science outreach outlets from all the world were engaged to create events and meetings, that show a public of girls the diverse jobs from the STEM disciplines. Since a few years ago, ARAR and Line Rosa joined the international day, and proposed activities at the Planetarium of Ravenna to girls who are interested in scientific disciplines.

Marisa Brienza Laura Pezzolesi Federica Costantini
Guest female scientists at the International Day of Girls and Women in Science 2024 illustrate their work to the public: from left Doc. Marisa Brienza astrophysicist at INAF-OAS/UniBo, Doc. Laura Pezzolesi algologist at UniBo,BiGeA and Prof. Federica Costantini, sea ecologist at UniBo,BiGeA
Rosita Paladino Beatrice Giambastiani
Guest female scientists at the International Day of Girls and Women in Science 2023 explain their work to the public: from left, Doc. Rosita Paladino astrophysicist at INAF-IRA, Doc. Beatrice Giambastiani, idrogeologist at UniBo.