Planetarium friend of women: seminars

We collaborate with local institutions and schools to disseminate important contributions by female researchers, by organizing specific events and encounters. We show the public a science made by women and where women had core roles but unfortunately they didn't receive fair recognition from institutions or from mainstream media. In our roundtables, we organize meetings where researchers answer questions and curiosities from the public. We aim to facilitate an informal dialogue between scientists and general public, making the scientific topics and notions accessible and understandable to everyone.

Prof. Marco Del Bene,
       Chiara Pasqualini, Marco Garoni and Daria Dall’Olio
From left to right: Marco Del Bene, president of ASCIG (Cultural exchange association between Italy and Japan), Chiara Pasqualini, Zeiss representative, Marco Garoni, director of the Planetarium of Ravenna, Daria Dall'Olio, presenting a conference on the Japanese astronomical traditions held in October 2022.
Federica Maglioni, Silvia
       Satanassi, Arianna Cortesi, Daria Dall’Olio, Gaia Mariani
From left to right: Federica Maglioni, Silvia Satanassi, Prof. Arianna Cortesi, Daria Dall’Olio, Gaia Mariani presenting a conference about astronomical traditions of Brasil held in January 2024.