logo Planetario amico delle donne

Planetarium friend of women: an astronomy outreach project

“Planetarium friend of women” (Planetario amico delle donne, in Italian) is a project born in 2021 from the fruitful collaboration between ARAR (the amateur astronomer association of Ravenna) and Linea Rosa (pro women rights association of Ravenna) to promote astronomy and other STEM (science, technology, engineering mathematic) disciplines across school students and general public. We designed planetarium shows, frontal conferences, laboratories and games aimed to tear down the cultural barriers and bias that see science as a “male territory”. We presented great examples of the compelling works made by female researchers to offer models to girls and to young women and help them in the development of their own scientific career path. Our goal is also to fight gender gap, showing to the public the stereotypes and the difficulties that every day women face in the society and in the academic environment.

Give me five!

The objective number 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (link) set by the United Nations defines the actions to achieve gender equality and to empower all girls and women in all aspects of society and working environment. Discrimination against women is a prominent issue that affects culture and society and represents one of the most underhand forms of inequality and violence. Even academia and research are not exempt from it, so in 2022 UNESCO celebrated the The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, to enhance the role played by women in science, with the hope to encourage exchanges between the scientific communities and other stakeholders, political decision-makers and international or local authorities. ARAR and the Planetarium of Ravenna contributed to the initiative by organizing conferences and shows and by networking with other local cultural associations. “Give me five” is our manifesto and a public reminder of the objective number 5 and all the actions that we should take to make gender equality possible. We ask for equal opportunities and recognition of women rights not just in the scientific environment but also in all the cultural and social aspects.