Spiral Galaxy NGC 2903 (H I.56) in Leo

Spiral Galaxy NGC 2903 (H I.56) in Leo

Right Ascension 9 : 32.2 (h:m)
Declination +21 : 30 (deg:m)
Distance 20500.0 (kly)
Visual Brightness 8.9 (mag)
Apparent Dimension 12.6 x 6.6 (arc min)

Discovered by William Herschel in 1784. NGC 2903 is another beautiful and more conspicuous Northern objects which Charles Messier missed when compiling his catalog. Thus its discovery was left to William Herschel. This beautiful galaxy was also left out by Patrick Moore when he compiled his Caldwell catalog.


Hartmut Frommert (spider@seds.org)
Christine Kronberg (smil@agleia.de)