NGC 1535

Planetary nebula in Eridanus

NGC 1535 - Planetary nebula in Eridanus

NGC 1535 is very similar to the Eskimo Nebula in both structure and color. Through our telescope this bubble of gas appears to glow a pale neon aqua. Visually the central star can sometimes be difficult to see- but in the image its existance is quite certain. NGC 1535 is no less than 1,500 light years away. Once you have seen NGC 7662, NGC 6826, and NGC 6543 - be sure to swing by Eridanus for this little gem.

Right Ascension: 4 : 14.2 (hours : minutes)
Declination: -12 : 44 (degrees : minutes)
Apparent Magnitude: 10. p
Apparent Diameter: 0.7 (arc minutes)

Image by Adam Block/AURA/NOAO/NSF