Galaxy M 77 (NGC 1068) in Cetus

Galaxy M 77 (NGC 1068) in Cetus

RA: 02 42.7 - DEC: -00 02 - MAG: 10.5 - SIZE: 9'X8'
U2000: 220 - TIRION: 10
CLASS: Spiral with central bar

This is the type example for galaxies with a discontinuity of surfacebrightness between the inner and outer regions. The spiral arms are not as thin as in 2841, 488, 7217, 5055, 3521, or 4699. Two principal dust arms can be traced on this illustration. The luminous spiral arms can be seen to within 6 sec (radius) from the center. The inner arms are resolved into knots. This galaxy has broad emission lines in the spectrum ofthe nuclear region (Seyfert, Ap. J., 97 28, 1943). Faint external spiral arms of low surface brightness and amorphous texture are shown in the insert.

Nov. 27/28, 1946 - lO min - Enlarged 6.Ox